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Name Mandatory Description Default Type
⬅️ Input A number represented as a string. String
Output ➡️ A signed integer equivalent to the number contained in the string input. Int
Base No Numerical base (radix) that determines the valid characters and their interpretation. 10 Int

Converts the string representation of a number to its signed integer equivalent.


The value passed into the Base parameter determines which characters are valid. The default base for this shard is 10.

The value passed into the Base parameter must be between 2 and 36.

For bases beyond 10, alphabetical characters are given a value and it is not case-sensitive.

Some common bases include: - 2 (binary) - only valid characters are 0 and 1. - 8 (octal) - only valid characters are 0-7. - 10 (decimal) - Standard base, valid characters are 0-9. (default) - 16 (hexadecimal) - only valid characters are 0-9, a-f, and A-F. - 36 (base-36) - only valid characters are 0-9, a-z, and A-Z.


"42" | ParseInt | Log
Assert.Is(42 Break: true)