Name |
Mandatory |
Description |
Default |
Type |
⬅️ Input |
The value that will be passed to the predicate. |
Any |
Output ➡️ |
The input of the shard if Passthrough is true , or the Predicate is true ; otherwise, the output of the Action . |
Any |
Predicate |
No |
The predicate to evaluate in order to trigger Action. |
none |
Shard [Shard] None |
Action |
No |
The shards to activate on when Predicate is true for When and false for WhenNot. |
none |
Shard [Shard] None |
Passthrough |
No |
The output of this shard will be its input. |
true |
Bool |
Conditional shard that only executes the action if the predicate is false.
| 42
Predicate: {
Action: {
Msg("Less than 50")