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Name Mandatory Description Default Type
⬅️ Input The input of the shard, if any None{String}BytesString
Output ➡️ The resulting output of the shard {status: Int headers: {String} body: Bytes}Bytes{status: Int headers: {String} body: String}StringObject
URL No The url to request to. `` String&String
Headers No If a table of headers is provided, it will be used as is; if no headers are provided, a Content-Type header will be derived based on the input type. None None{String}&{String}
Timeout No How many seconds to wait for the request to complete. 10 Int
Bytes No If instead of a string the shard should output bytes. false Bool
FullResponse No If the output should be a table with the full response, including headers and status. false Bool
AcceptInvalidCerts No If we should ignore invalid certificates. This is useful for testing but should not be used in production. false Bool
Retry No How many times to retry the request if it fails. 0 Int
KeepAlive No If the client instance should be kept alive, allowing connection reuse for multiple requests. The client won't be closed until this shard cleans up (including its worker thread). false Bool
Streaming No If the response should be streamed, in which case the output will be an object to use with the Http.Stream shard. false Bool