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Name Mandatory Description Default Type
⬅️ Input The input float or sequence of floats to calculate the error function of. This can be any real number. FloatFloat2Float3Float4Color[Any]
Output ➡️ Outputs probability result of the error function of the input. The output is always between -1 and 1. FloatFloat2Float3Float4Color[Any]

This shard calculates the error function of the given input. The error function is related to the probability that a random variable with normal distribution of mean 0 and variance 1/2 falls in the range specified by the input value.


If a sequence of floats was provided as input, the shard will calculate error function for each element in the sequence and output a sequence.

If a sequence of vectors was provided as input, the shard will calculate error function for each component in each vector in the sequence and output a sequence of vectors where each component in each vector is the result of the error function calculation of the corresponding component in the input sequence.


@f3(0.0 1.0 2.0)
Math.Erf | Log

Math.Subtract(@f3(0.0 0.84270079 0.99532226)) | Math.Abs