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Name Mandatory Description Default Type
⬅️ Input Takes a matrix as input. (2x2, 3x3 or 4x4) [Float4](4)[Float3](3)[Float2](2)
Output ➡️ Outputs the result of the matrix multiplication. If a matrix is multiplied by a vector, the result is a vector (depending on the dimensions of the matrix provided). If two matrices are multiplied, the result is a matrix with the same dimensions as the input matrix. [Float4](4)Float4[Float3](3)Float3[Float2](2)Float2
Operand No The operand for this operation. 0 IntVar(Int)Int2Var(Int2)Int3Var(Int3)Int4Var(Int4)Int8Var(Int8)Int16Var(Int16)FloatVar(Float)Float2Var(Float2)Float3Var(Float3)Float4Var(Float4)ColorVar(Color)[Any]Var([Any])

Performs matrix multiplication on either two matrices or a matrix and a vector and outputs either a matrix or a vector accordingly. The two matrixes must be of similar dimensions (2x2, 3x3, or 4x4). And if multiplied with a vector, the vector too must have similar dimensions (2x2 with float2, 3x3 with float3, 4x4 with float4).