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Name Mandatory Description Default Type
⬅️ Input The input of the shard, if any Any
Output ➡️ The resulting output of the shard Any
FirstBody No The first body, keep unset to attach to the fixed world none Var(Physics.Body)None
SecondBody No The second body, keep unset to attach to the fixed world none Var(Physics.Body)None
Static No Static node, persist when not activated false Bool
Enabled No Can be used to toggle this node when it has static persistence true BoolVar(Bool)
Space No This determines in which space the constraint is setup, all other properties should be in the specified space ConstraintSpace::LocalToBodyCOM ConstraintSpace
FirstPoint No The position of the connection point for the first body. @f3(0 0 0) Float3Var(Float3)
SecondPoint No The position of the connection point for the second body. @f3(0 0 0) Float3Var(Float3)
MinDistance No Minimum distance between the two points. If the value is negative, it will be replaced by the distance between FirstPoint and SecondPoint (works only if Space is world space) -1 FloatVar(Float)
MaxDistance No Maximum distance between the two points. If the value is negative, it will be replaced by the distance between FirstPoint and SecondPoint (works only if Space is world space) -1 FloatVar(Float)
LimitSpring No When set, makes the limits soft {damping: 1 frequency: 0} None{frequency: Float damping: Float}{stiffness: Float damping: Float}Var({frequency: Float damping: Float})Var({stiffness: Float damping: Float})

This shard creates a tether between two bodies, keeping the distance between them within the range specified in the MinDistance and MaxDistance parameters.