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Why Formabble?

"I wanted a game creation tool that would allow creators to create freely. Sad to say, I find that the current tools we have are too shackled by outdated technology to properly achieve this. It is my firm belief that by leveraging on modern technology and innovation to create a game-engine that is accessible, collaborative and unbounded, only then can we truly empower creators." ~ Giovanni Petrantoni

Here at Formabble we aim to unshackle our creators by making game creation Accessible, Collaborative and Unbounded. In this section we will go through how we achieve this by using current technology and innovations such as AI and real-time multiplayer editing.


Many a projects sadly never come to fruition because game creation is a complex task. Coding logic in-of-itself is already a daunting task, but a creator has to design levels, create assets, test for bugs, optimize, ensure that everything runs smoothly on the desired platform and a slew of other tasks that are too long to list. Formabble alleviates the strain on our creators by making coding and optimization easy for our creators. We do this through AI and our proprietary programming language Shards.

Shards is a dataflow visual-esque programming language that revolutionizes game development. With a syntax that is akin to placing blocks together, Shards is incredibly easy for beginner’s to grasp. Furthermore, through its Wires & Meshes, it allows creators to mulithread their programs by simply by plugging the correct Wires into the correct behavior. Creators also are able to run specific logic asynchronously when needed by using specific Wire Activators to activate specific parts of their logic. Furthermore, the simplicity of Shards, with its resemblance to natural language, allows AI models to learn it easily . Thus creators using Formabble’s built-in AI assistant, can manipulate their projects solely through text-prompts, making Formabble truly, an Ai-powered creative playground. Moreover, in Formabble not only can you create games, but seamlessly publish them too. Once creators have brought their visions to life in Formabble with the support of our AI assistant, they can easily share their completed games with the world. Our platform acts as a springboard, enabling immediate publication and distribution of their work. This direct-to-platform publishing capability means that creators can rapidly transition from development to launch. This alongside players also being able to play games directly on Formabble, allows creators to gather feedback, build a community of players, and iterate their games all within the Formabble ecosystem. By reducing the barriers between creation and publication, we empower creators to focus on what they do best – crafting unique and engaging gaming experiences, while we handle the complexities of distribution and exposure.

By simplifying both creation and publication, we lighten the creators' burden, allowing them to craft, iterate, and share their games unrestricted and unrestrained – truly encapsulating an end-to-end solution for game development and dissemination.


As illustrated above, game development is not an easy task for one person to tackle alone. Here at Formabble we are resolute on collaborative game-design. Pioneering the way, Formabble is the Google docs of game creation systems, designed for creators to collaboratively edit games simultaneously.

By synchronizing states, multiple creators can load into a Domain and promptly start editing and creating together. Envision a digital workspace where multiple creators come together, each with their own expertise and vision, working in unison on a single game project. One designer might sculpt landscapes, another programs NPC behavior, while a third fine-tunes the physics—all crafting different facets of the same world in real-time. This not only accelerates the development process but also enriches it, allowing for a dynamic interplay of ideas. It's a fluid, organic approach to game creation, promoting an agile development culture where feedback is instant and iteration is constant. Think of it as a “Google docs” that provides a real-time multiplayer game building experience.

By enabling creators to operate in parallel, Formabble dissolves the traditional bottlenecks of game development. It's a shared space where creativity thrives, unbound by the constraints of sequential workflows. Thus, Formabble doesn't just streamline the creation process—it reinvents it.


Most game engines were conceived in an era where game creation was confined to the desktop interface. We firmly believe that game creation has long past transcended being chained to the desktop screen. Recognizing this, Formabble shatters old paradigms, offering a truly unbounded game development experience. Unlike previous game-creation-tools, Formabble is purposly-built to be multi-platformed, not only at the runtime level, but at the editor level. It is designed to be compatible with a broad spectrum of platforms—be it desktop, Mac, mobile phones, or tablets. Thus with Formabble one can edit their project at home, in the office, while on the commute, even on your toilet seat. With this cross-device capability, Formabble empowers you to create whenever and wherever creativity strikes.

However, on top of this, Formabble looks ahead with anticipation. At Formabble, we are not just keeping pace with the present—we are building for the future. We predict that game creation will also soon evolve beyond screen interfaces. And for that reason, Formabble is designed with the inevitability of VR and XR interfaces in mind. Evidently, Formabble is a current game-engine that is evolving for a scene that has already outgrown existing technology. This forward-thinking development is driven by our commitment to ensure that as the digital landscape evolves, so too will the tools we provide. With Formabble, you're not just keeping up with the current trends; you're stepping into a realm of endless possibilities, ready to define the next generation of game creation.