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Shards Architecture

Formabble uses the Shards coding language. This page is an explanation of the Shards architecture focused on how the program flow works.

The Shards Overall Architecture

  • Shards code is written in .shs files which contain wires.
  • Wires are composed of shards connected by data flow.
  • Wires are scheduled on meshes.
  • When a wire is scheduled on a mesh, it goes through the following steps:
    1. Composing: The shards are connected and validated. This builds the wire execution graph.
    2. Warmup: Any initialization logic in shards runs.
    3. Running: The wire executes on the mesh, with data flowing shard to shard.
  • Wires can be executed concurrently on a mesh in different ways using wire executors.

The Shards program lifetime

When a shards script is run, it undergoes the following steps:

  • Script file evaluation
    • Shards code is written in .shs files which contain the shard graph definition. These files are evaluated to create wires.
  • Wire creation
    • Wires represent the shard graph and are created when evaluating the script files. A wire connects shards together into a directed acyclic graph.
  • Mesh creation
    • A mesh manages and runs wires concurrently on a single thread. Creating multiple meshes allows wires to run concurrently across threads.
  • Wire scheduling
    • Wires must be explicitly scheduled on a mesh in order to run. Scheduling a wire triggers the composing process.
  • Composing of a Wire
    • The process of validating connections between shards and building the full shard graph. This happens when a wire is scheduled on a mesh.
  • How wires are tied together
    • Wires form a directed acyclic graph via data flow between shards. The connections are validated during the composing process.
  • Warmup of a Wire
    • Before a wire runs, the warmup method is called on each shard to initialize any state it may need.
  • Wire running on Mesh
    • The mesh tick method runs scheduled wires by resuming their coroutine when they are ready to continue execution.

The Shards Concurrency Model

  • Wires provide task parallelism running concurrently on meshes.
  • A mesh runs on a single thread, so no intra-wire parallelism.
  • Shards have no shared mutable state, removing synchronization needs within a wire.
  • Different meshes run independently and can run on different threads.
  • Wires on the same mesh can interleave shard execution but shards have no side effects.
  • Wire parameters are immutable once running.
  • No shard execution ORDER guaranteed between wires on a mesh.

So in summary:

  • Safety within a wire comes from shards being side effect free.
  • Safety between wires comes from shard immutability and no execution order guarantees.
  • Multiple meshes provide full task parallelism.

Additional Details

  • Multiple meshes allow shard graphs to run concurrently across threads.
  • A mesh provides thread isolation - wires in separate meshes run concurrently.
  • Coroutines yield execution between shards in a wire and between scheduled wires.
  • Shard parameters define typed, validated inputs.
  • Parameters must have compatible types to connected shards.
  • Validation happens once at compose time to optimize performance.
  • A shard's state persists between activations.
  • Shards don't share mutable state so no synchronization needed.
  • Concurrent data flows minimize shared mutable state.
  • Shard graph structure is invariant under deformation.
  • Context variables share state between parent/child wires.
  • Context variables are scoped to a wire and its children.
  • Context variables avoid explicitly passing state through shards.